Doing our Part for Sustainable Tourism

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At Vietnam Exploration Booking, we encourage our clients to walk gently on the earth, we set out to minimize our footprints and leave no reminders of our visits except for happy memories, and many glorious photographs.

Tourism can bring many economic and social benefits, particularly in rural areas and developing countries. However, tourism can only be sustainable if it is carefully managed so that potential negative effects on the host community and the environment are not permitted to outweigh the benefits.

Tourism does have an impact in very many ways up on the places we visit, some good and some bad; so for each client who books a trip with Vietnam Exploration Booking – to any of our destinations – Vietnam Exploration Booking will donate US$ 5 per person to the Sustainable Tourism Project. With this donation, we contribute toward you flying carbon neutral as well as keeping the balance of traditonal culture and development and also by helping with some training within the local community at your destination.

Positive and Negative Effects  of Tourism

Traveling is great and tourism has a lot of positive influences. Tourism creates jobs, both through direct employment within the tourism industry and indirectly in sectors such as retail and transportation. When local people spend their wages on goods and services, it leads to what is known as the "Multiplier Effect," creating more jobs.

The improvements to infrastructure and new leisure amenities that result from tourism also benefit the local community. Tourism encourages the preservation of traditional customs, handicrafts and festivals that might otherwise have been allowed to wane, and it creates civic pride. Interchanges between hosts and guests create a better cultural understanding and can also help raise global awareness of issues such as poverty and human rights abuses.

Tourism - particularly Nature and Ecotourism - helps promote conservation of wildlife and natural resources such as rain forests, as these are now regarded as tourism assets. It also helps generate funding for maintaining animal reserves and marine parks through entrance charges and guide fees. By creating alternative sources of employment, tourism reduces problems such as over-fishing and deforestation in developing nations.

However, tourism also has a downside, for example, flying to Asia has a negative impact on the environment. Tourism poses a threat to a region's natural and cultural resources, such as water supply, beaches, coral reefs and heritage sites, through overuse. It also causes increased pollution through traffic emissions, littering, increased sewage production and noise.


Why is our Sustainable Tourism Project Unique?

1. Our Sustainable Tourism Project does not plant new trees or bring new culture, but adopts trees - parts of the rainforest, and provides training for minorities groups. In this way the Sustainable Tourism Project supports the local people. This makes our Project more efficient and effective than many other initiatives to make your flight carbon-neutral; where usually, they plant new trees and exchange culture but without changing culture. When you plant new young trees after the trees are logged, it takes newly planted young trees 20 years to grow. Our Sustainable Tourism Project  protects the existing rainforest and the animals living in the rainforest/traditional culture from disappearing.

2. The Sustainable Tourism Project focuses on Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. We are in South East Asia.
3. Our Sustainable Tourism Project has no extra costs. One hundred percent of the donation goes directly to the local community and so, to the preservation of the rainforests.

4. Our Sustainable Tourism Project is a transparent project. The results can easily be seen by the amount of trees adopted and the amount of local people benefitting from it. We can demonstrate this by inviting you to see the results of the Project when you book your tour in Vietnam (our main office), with us.


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