Vietnam Exploration Booking

Matoke Tours

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Why do you choose us?

  • Great reviews from our customers
  • Fast and personal service
  • Innovative and original
  • Wonderful combi-tours in 4 countries in South East Asia
  • A tour operator with a clear mission!

Vietnam Exploration Booking unique Sustainable  Tourism project

Flights, ground transport and unsustainable development unfortunately produce carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and contribute to climate change as well as cultural changes.  At Vietnam Exploration Booking, we are actively working to protect our part of the world … and so, we donate US$5 for each person who books a tour with us, to our Sustainable Tourism Project.  The Project aims to keep a balance between development and traditional ways of life and to ensure a sustainable environment. The Project and our goals together broaden opportunities to offer community based tourism training for local suppliers in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. More Info..


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