Beautiful Cambodia

Beautiful Cambodia

Food & drink

Cambodian table manners Travellers often worry about what to eat when they arrive in a new location, but considering how you eat can be just as important. Habits you take for granted could be offensive to those around you. Here's our introduction to appropriate behaviour in a typical Cambodian eater

Beautiful Cambodia

Going to a Cambodian wedding

Going to a Cambodian wedding Of all the hospitality that might be extended to visitors in Cambodia, an invitation to a wedding is probably the most special. Wedding parties usually take place in street-side yellow and pink marquees by the family home, or in a hall at a specialist wedding venue. Put

Beautiful Cambodia

Festivals & events

Happy Khmer New Year! For the third time in four months, preparations are underway to bring in a new year in Cambodia. International New Year is an excuse to party with the rest of the world and Chinese New Year has been adopted as an unofficial holiday. But Khmer New Year still stands apart as one

Beautiful Cambodia

Ancestor’s Day in Cambodia

Pchum Ben: Ancestor's Day in Cambodia We're in the middle of one of Cambodia's major holidays right now, although if you're visiting, you might not have even noticed. Pchum Ben is one of Cambodia's most important Buddhist festivals .

Beautiful Cambodia

Respect for King Norodom Sihanouk

Respect for King Norodom Sihanouk The death of former King Norodom Sihanouk, aged 89, on October 15 during the Pchum Ben festival is being mourned by Cambodians. Increasingly frail, the King Father's last visit to Cambodia from his home in China earlier in the year proved to be his last. His death h